Green Gold Hydrogen 2 specializes in project management, consultation and engineering consulting in all kinds of 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation fuels and biofuels, in liquid, solid and gaseous states. We help businesses in manufacturing clean energy products and developing plastic waste projects.
Our developed technology is based on microwave cathalist of plastic, the transformation in Green Hydrogen and CNTs (Carbon Natnotubes of siple wall).
Based on our processes and technology it takes 90 seconds to transform 500 kilos of plastics into low-pressure H2 gas and 99,7% pure Carbon Natotubes powder. Our system is duly registered and patented internationally as of 2023.
1° planta 34 Baggot Street Upper,
Dublín 4 - D04 Y9C0, Irlanda
España: Ctra. Fraga-Monzón Km 27,2 Albalate de Cinca, 22534 Huesca, España
Teléfono: +44 7594 611533
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